Many times when we do we optimize a blog only homepage and categories or tags but completely forget the biggest traffic sources that we will have, any entries.
At the time of writing a new blog can be guided ( do not get carried away) for the most demanded keywords in Google about it.
To determine this we will go to the online tool Keyword Tool from Google , where we can see the averages search keyword combinations and the like. We introduce in Word or phrase general keywords about what we write, in Match Types select [Exacta ] to statistics as accurate as possible. We introduce the security code and modify yes according to the country where we turn mostly. We seek and see the results ... We will see a long list of possible keywords and combinations, with Two statistical numbers mean Google searches, global (worldwide), local (only in the selected country). We can use this list to enhance the SEO of each input independently and quickly multiply visits our blog, but yes, remember never to write for a robot, but to a reader. Written via posizionate Digital Marketing for Bloggers Community.
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