When we built a theme it is always better to have the warning possible page. For simplicity above all . When returns to a website after a while there is much more easily.
So for example, instead of a different footer to the home page and interior pages. We can only use conditions, such as:
If this is the home page:
Do this : ... .
If this is not the home page
Do this : ... ..
If not you need to create a new file , for example footer- home.php . For maintenance or modifications it complicates our lives and we can create errors by changing one but not the other.
<? php
if ( is_front_page ( ) && is_home ()) {
// Default homepage
} Elseif ( is_front_page ()) {
// Static homepage
} Elseif ( is_home ()) {
// Blog page
} Else {
// everything else
? >
If you want to code with HTML:
<? php if ( is_front_page ()) : ?>
<img src = " <? php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri () ;?> / images / logo- accueil.png " width = " 326 " height = " 184 " alt = " Logo " />
<? php endif ; ? >
If this is not the home page (must be added the exclamation point)
< ? php if ( is_front_page ( !)) : ? >
<img src = " <? php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri () ;?> / images / logo- diane - limoges -inner - en.png " width = " 263 " height = " 162 " alt = " Logo Diane Limoges " />
<? php endif ; ? >
Conditions in the footer
I have not done further research but if it does not work in the footer , you must reset the Global value if you use this function in the footer:
wp_reset_query ()
? php wp_reset_query (); ? >
<? php if ( is_front_page ()) : ?>
<p > What Works </ p>
<? php endif ; ? >