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How to make a fortune on the Internet?

By: Unknown on Friday, 9 January 2015 | 12:29

Facebook has acquired Instagram for $ 1 billion.
Yes 1 BILLION . How to explain such an acquisition ?
Obviously, all this is not done in a day. But I wanted to speak here of the process leading from the idea to the resale of a company. First startups sold in the United States often have several points in common:

  •     there is not (yet) business model
  •     the idea is very simple but especially viral
  •     the company has already raised funds

Then I wondered what could explain each of these 3 points.
"Making the wheat is not my priority"

First of all if there is no business model it may be that the company is too ahead of its time, so too innovative. The track seems interesting, but this is not always the case. For example, "Draw Something " has been bought while the idea is nothing more than a Pictionary networked . It is not with how we will change the world , do you agree ? I rather think that the company is still not "profitable" is precisely a key factor for resale. Because it means that it could become the future. Thanks to item 2: virality.
"It's me who has the biggest "

The startup , which sell often have grossecommunauté or at least a very large audience . This was the case of Youtube which showed 20 million visitors per month on the day before its acquisition by Google. So even if the company does not release yet of revenue, with an audience like it's likely we can do something. And that is precisely what should be called the purchaser at the time of purchase.

"I tapped me it's not my dosh "
Then comes something else. We can not pay employees and brand- new premises for life with a project that relates a round . But why Americans have also found the solution! The Venture Capital. And yes, there are some very rich people who want to grow their capital ( understood earn 50 times the bet). The hard part is to eventually convince at least uninvestisseur you "give" money. Lot of money. Once done, you fame and fortune. It 'll just find a buyer to buy your small business ...;-)
Finally here is my top 3 web boxes sold at exorbitant prices :

    $ 1.6 Billion : Youtube
    $ 1 Billion : Instagram
    $ 210 M Draw Something

If you have the idea of ​​the century, the comments are open ;-)

  •     Youtube Audience:
  •     Redemption OMGPOP " Draw Something " by Zinga :
  •     Redemption of Youtube by Google:
  •     Redemption of Instagram by Facebook :

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