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Excel 2007/2010 transfer passengers - Toolbars

By: Unknown on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 | 09:45

Toolbars have changed completely in Excel 2007.

Here the Ribbon (Ribbon ) was created.
Whether this is good or bad, will have the time.


But now some projects are on the Web to bring back the old feeling and at least bring some spare for custom toolbars.

So we 're on the subject.
The usual way to create toolbars no longer exists. Conclusion from the end.

But what happens to toolbars that are created by either macros or connected with toolbars from previous versions.

This being pounded mercilessly by Excel 2007 in the area of ​​add-ins.

This also applies to toolbars or menus that are created by Add Ins.

But and ..
Before you complete despair :
There are ways to influence the ribbon. These are at first sight not entirely trivial but even here there will certainly be in the near future remedy.

In Online Excel I will soon write an article about it hopefully .

Here , in my opinion runs through the thread to keep inexperienced users as possible from it.
This will only lead to this ribbon will soon be so overloaded that it takes a 500 -inch monitor.

But to prove that it is, here is a small example folder.
It contains two macros for testing only. You can see.
When you open the wallet, a new point is inserted next to Start up : Online Excel.
Once you close the folder, this will disappear.

Here is an example: Example file

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