CIRCLE. "Big Data" projects make the information understandable, usable, sharable and open.
They are the best tool, as expected, for more transversalities and a real collaborative work in the company.
Another change, the time of "Big Data" is fast: 5-8 weeks to extract the data, analyze, build reliable models and trigger the first actions. All this put out for and by "task forces" to actually allow cross mix of experience and cultures, increase diversity and therefore the richness of the analyzes. Finally a real technological leverage to the matrix organization who suffered from its origins in the non-sharing or a misunderstanding of information between forces from the "silos" functional or geographical trades of the past.
Another change, the time of "Big Data" is fast: 5-8 weeks to extract the data, analyze, build reliable models and trigger the first actions. All this put out for and by "task forces" to actually allow cross mix of experience and cultures, increase diversity and therefore the richness of the analyzes. Finally a real technological leverage to the matrix organization who suffered from its origins in the non-sharing or a misunderstanding of information between forces from the "silos" functional or geographical trades of the past.
A project "Big Data" is to marry large volumes of detailed and different data to build in 5 to 8 weeks of analytical models. For example, we will study consumer behavior of a site based on page views, of prequalified products, the waiting time between two actions and time of connection or connect these behaviors to comments posted on blogs. We will thus build models to better target potential and act quickly (offers, reminders, additional services calls).
Companies can now understand complex phenomena and especially to share these analyzes to increase their collective intelligence.
es unpublished analysis capabilities that facilitate collaborative work
If the granularity is not a new concept (on "zooms" to the finest data to develop specific analysis: profitability command line, followed by the physical movement of products, analysis of the behavior of a consumer ...), the "Big Data" provides an ability to cross and detailed analysis, to discover previously unknown information. An immediate example is the use of data from smart meters in the field of energy distribution.
Access to such power analysis on various data sets provides true added value: it includes behavior, detecting trends, "patterns", groupings. If the "Data Mining" wore on samples technologies "Big Data" we offer the ability to discover trends and relationships on an entire population. It becomes possible to test hypotheses in real time and "give facts" decisions. And while hundreds of attributes yesterday characterized client or profile, tomorrow are potentially thousands of attributes that businesses will have.
Share a complex environment
Traditional analytical systems - symbolized by the dashboards - propose foremost figures and indicators on "silos", the interpretation can sometimes be difficult. These tables do not render account complex universe as car factories, for example, where you have access near real-time to 'human resources' data (presence of teams), logistics, robotics, using internal standards and those of suppliers , married flow data by asset, per person. A picture is much more meaningful than tables, it can act and communicate. Another example, what could be simpler than adding a photo taken with a phone to an insurance statement?
Such analyzes require close collaboration between marketing, sales, call centers, logistics, management controllers ... Can not do it alone, nor even to withhold information that could benefit other directions. With computers as arbitrator, especially as resources are scarce, transversality is growing around objective, and "Big Data" and embodies the collective intelligence of an organization.
Newfound agility
The formats of data from new devices - mobile devices, sensors / RFID chips, "Open Data", Web applications, blogs, social networks - are very different, but their operations are almost more problematic, although some techniques remain refine (as content extraction videos).
Development prospects are virtually unlimited because now depend on the company's ability to imagine new combinations. These sources are starting to be used in insurance, security: social networks are used to verify the statements. Some brands are able to compare their sales and the names of their products on the Internet (blogs, content sites) or in "tweets". With the coordinates of these "tweets", they can quickly contact potential clients. Last example, "call centers" analyze voice recordings.
A rapid and iterative fashion project
The five phases of a project type "Big Data" are: ROI study of the project, Extraction, Construction of models / scenarios, Analysis and Action. All in less than 2 months. We are far schedules ERP establishment projects. We have instead a quick projects galaxy, enriched each other (a model of commercial profitability can be taken up by logisticians and buyers to extend the analysis to the Supply Chain).
The "Big Data" is nothing without visualization technologies that accompany
Today, companies are reviewing their portfolio of analytic applications with a taste for the "best of breed". The current software market indeed offers a constellation of innovative technologies that meet each has one or more specific needs. So there are solutions for every company which exploits agile so varied and detailed data at their disposal.
Since the data are manipulated, the "Big Data" is also synonymous with Proactivity: it is easier to establish scenarios, simulations. For example, what would be the impact of promotion on the city of Marseille during this cultural event (with attendance rates recovered Sites "Open Data" of the city) and depending on the weather? I can simulate the evolution of sales, margin and therefore my factually discuss further with distributors in the cost of promotion.
In addition, traditional dashboards will gradually mutate to tools offering real information rather than just aggregate data - this is the concept of "Discovery Analytics" to control the operations and not just the final performance. Here too the "Big Data" will help revolutionize the business.
The revolution is on the uses
The ability to combine more data will strengthen the cross in the business. And over transversalities increase responsiveness and faster cycle times - faster response to customer requests, to changing needs, questions from partners and suppliers. This transforms our modes of collaboration and challenges the traditional hierarchy. Transverse functions (Purchasing, HR, Marketing, Finance ...) will put their data, intelligible, serving business; their intervention in the processes of daily decisions will be different.
This transversal strengthens the autonomy of decision and action operational. For example, a business will instantly see that a customer is not profitable and especially why: too many deliveries, an unbalanced mix product compared to other comparable customers. It will be autonomous to understand the issues and be able to act quickly as a result.
This transformation process will inevitably be accompanied by an evolution of construction methods of data warehouses and even project management methods and techniques architectures. The trend is the decentralization of the given component elements, leading ultimately to a purely logical view (we think more "Data Center", but "data", somewhat in the manner of "Cloud Computing" today) . In addition, operational will reclaim the computer skills so necessary for their actions. Consequently, it is also the landscape of the IT Department should be transformed in the coming years.
More surprisingly, the company is moving boundary. Who is the data that build decisions: to customers? In the public space? Where does the company's responsibility always to the employee? Companies are increasingly interconnected closely with their customers, suppliers, personal networks of their employees and the public space. They appear more like a mobile Confederation (suppliers, manufacturers, customers, employees, investors, public space) around a brand, service or product.
Scarce skills
If the "Big Data" from a technological evolution, so he prepares a profound revolution. The first applications show the potential of exploitable last available data (smart meters do not invent the consumption data - nothing new here - but the use we can do is fantastic: a reduction of the invoice, optimization the network security of the premises).
We will see the emergence of a real market data, where corporate data and personal data will value them; which poses safety and security issues that a few countries such as France began to regulate.
Our companies will further progress in cross, the trigger "task forces" and empower operational. There is still some way to go and the technology market will mature. Some issues must be addressed urgently, such as the availability of skills (an acute problem for 46% of the professionals surveyed in the last TDWI survey) 1. The first to evolve rapidly take several steps ahead.
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