The rapid expansion of the Internet has shelved some key aspects to successfully complete the whole process involved where the customer and the customer has become very minority and quality for analysis.
If we believe that thanks to social networks give enough support to carry out this task, we are very wrong. Facebook , Twitter or other social platforms have become more open to a range and distribution in the vast majority of companies do sometimes do not give a range. Even having the ability to make or answer our followers at any time through the devices phones like iPhone , iPad or Blackberry is not reached, in general, monitoring all the needs, questions or concerns that we want to convey and above all they want to do it in a more or less quickly.
Therefore, we can not forget one of the pillars of Internet Marketing and ideeënlabel studios want to give the necessary importance to the customer. Think you avoid answering a question or do not cause more reluctantly than a bad image and worse, that end user realizing their problems with us.
Companies that have the great fortune to have a very important customer feedback and more or less common in the fairs that are held throughout the year and also has the ability to receive your establishment it is from here that your brand will expand and spread.
So do not let your hand customer service for the most updated and response protocols and standardized interaction because not everyone can be outstanding 24/7 to answer queries through Social Networks or phone number.
Forget or stop the service the client will begin the decline of reputation our company and our clients through this difficult to recover.