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Facebook widget to display the most beloved and shared items

By: Unknown on Thursday, 5 February 2015 | 12:59

In this article we will see how to add the Facebook widget that displays the most loved and most items shared with the two buttons (I like and share).

And to add this widget must follow the following steps:

Connect to blogger presentation >> Add a Gadget and then select HTML / Javascript and copy / paste the following code:


<Iframe src=";width=300&amp;height=290&amp;header=false&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font=verdana&amp;border_color=%23FFFFFF" scrolling = "no" frameborder = "0" allowtransparency = "true" style = "border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 300px; height: 300px"> </ iframe>

Parameter has changed to suit your choice: use the address of your blog, you VotreBlog by changing the name of your blog
width = 300: To change the width of the widget.
height = 290: To change the height of the widget.
header = false: To view the Facebook logo (true) or false (false)
colorscheme = light: To change the color of the button by replacing light by dark or evil.
font = verdana: Choose the font of the widget:
there are other value for the attribute are:

border_color =% 23FFFFFF: Border color of the widget.
There is another way to generate the code of this widget; is going to this page and filling the form fields puiq click Get Code.Copier / paste the generated code and paste it into your blog is following the method above.
And as part of this tutorial I encourage you to click love / share the message that you like to be added to this widget install this blog;

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